138 Yorkminster Road , Toronto

Ward : Don Valley West

North York

Distance aprox from downtown 14 Km

Yorkminster Rd Hit 9 Id toronto_266466 Toronto

Statistics about this sector of North York

On the economic side, the average household income is $ 218 125 and it takes an average 4.6 years of salary to pay a house, better then other district of Toronto . More then 12% of workers as self employed.
Sustainable transportation: 29.23% of people use one of these green way of going around , ranking 465 over 1206 areas and 31.94 of people use transit, making it a position : 369 over 1151 areas. Nobody is biking (0%)The portion of workers with car in this Don Valley West sector is 67% for a position of 539 over 1206 districts. Here, Almost one person out of 10 takes more then 1 hour to go to work.
The average age here is around 43.8 making it among the oldest of the city (184/1151). How many person live in this neighborhood? The sector as a density of 3558.7 person per km2. Here, 52.54 % of peolple are maried and more than 5.07 % of peolple live under common-law. Is there some risk of gentrification in this area? We evaluate the risk low
What is the level of education in the sector? 28.28% of people have a university degree, ranking 242 over 1151 areas. On the other hand, only 8.05% of the population has no diploma.

Map of the neighborhood

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Hit 16

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  • 0
Approbation: 100 %
Hit 173
Credit-Km 12800
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Approbation: 67 %
Hit 375
Credit-Km 13600
  • 0
Approbation: 100 %
Hit 210
Credit-Km 29700
  • 0
Approbation: 100 %
Hit 188
Credit-Km 181400