508 Danforth Road , Toronto
Ward : Scarborough Southwest
Distance aprox from downtown 13 Km
Danforth Rd Hit 7 Id toronto_370289 Toronto
Statistics about this sector of Scarborough
How wealthy are resident around? the average household income is $ 66 671, among the poorest of the city and it takes an average 8.3 years of salary to pay a house. A proportion of 4.99% workers are self employed
Sustainable transportation: 35.18% of people use one of these green way of going around , ranking 351 over 1206 areas and 43.28 of people use transit, making it a position : 150 over 1151 areas. Nobody is biking (0%)The portion of workers with car in this Scarborough Southwest sector is 59% for a position of 699 over 1206 districts. Here, One person out of 5 takes more then 1 hour to go to work.
The average age here is around 41.2 making it among the oldest of the city (451/1151). How many person live in this neighborhood? The sector as a density of 3841.5 person per km2. Here, 43.72 % of peolple are maried and more than 6.01 % of peolple live under common-law. Is there some risk of gentrification in this area? We evaluate the risk low
What is the level of education in the sector? 9.96% of people have a university degree, ranking 1079 over 1151 areas. On the other hand, only 25.89% of the population has no diploma.
36.89 % of people in this district rent their apartment, ranking 401 over 1151 areas. A proportion of 12.21% are part of a 5 floors+ building.
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